
Monday 19 November 2012

After Office Hours

Big Boss!

Clean Table

Night Out!

I thought branch work is unending. Yes it is. I thought Boss’s orders are unending. Yes they are. I thought wife has her own way. Yes she has.

After the staff leaves at 5 pm you feel a bit relaxed. Have a look around in the nearly empty office – Boss-1, Manager-1, Officers-2 & generator wala-1. For a moment mind goes blank & you close your eyes & take a deep breath.  At first start looking at pending work then at Boss sitting in the cabin. Hmm, he has taken out his cigarette & seems to be in a good mood. Must have had a beer or something -stupid fella. Nevertheless Yours Truly suggested to him:
-Sir, Samosa with tea?
-Not for me, you people go ahead.
 So, I thought, we could close shop by 6. But no. Boss barks:
-You better see that this statement is sent to HO, loan file of Gupta is completed, a note on Visit Report is prepared, letter on Income & Expenditure is faxed and Audit observations of last month are attended to. Call me before closing. Bye!
-Bye Sir! (Yours Truly tried to say –stupid- but voice did not come out ). 
All present are summoned, offered Samosa & shown the list of work to be completed. Their reactions turn the taste of Samosa into that of Karela.  Officer Taneja-Sir how long it will continue like this? Officer Baweja-Sir I wait & wait & wait for Sunday as if waiting for a new girl friend.    
-Common you are Officers of such a big organisation with a long carrier ahead of you. Maybe you shall be GM / ED/ CMD one day & then change the working style & late sitting. So let us finish it & quit by 8.15 so as to reach home early today!
Part work done Yours Truly called home:
-By 8.30
-Early today?
-Boss has disappeared after handing over a list which will take a week to comply -stupid. So coming by 8.30. What’s for dinner?
-No subzi at home. Bring Karela, onions, a bit of ginger & garlic & coriander leaves & of course don’t forget tomatoes. Or better bring  ½ butter chicken if you like.
-Abe yaar it is Tuesday! Ok Bye! (Yours Truly tried to say –stupid- but voice did not come out).
Such is the fate of a man!
Do patan ke beech me sabut bacha no koye!

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